Magnolia 'Cleopatra'



  • 'Cleopatra' was bred by Mr. Vance Hooper of Brixton, New-Zealand. The succesful crossing was done in 1998. Today, Vance Hooper is one of the most important magnolia-breeders worldwide. We pay tribute to his work, donating us floral gifts like the award-winning Magnolia 'Genie', 'Shirazz', 'Advance', 'Brixton Belle', 'Sweet Merlot', 'Sweet Valentine', 'Sweet Simplicity' and many more. Some of his promising novelties are already under trial here in Western Europe, like 'Cameo' and the stunning dark coloured 'Tinkerbell'.
  • Magnolia 'Cleopatra'  is a worldwide protected variety and was launched for the New-Zealand market in 2009.
  • Ancestry: mother - Magnolia xsoulangiana 'Sweet Simplicity', father (pollen) - Magnolia 'Black Tulip. Type: Complex hybrid, spring flowering, deciduous.
  • Growth/size: up to 60cm of annual new growth in the juvenile phase. After 10 years we exspect a hight of approx. 4m and a width of about 2m. Growth is upright, forming a well shaped conical crown. Magnolia 'Cleapoatra' is an ideal plant where garden space is limited.
  • Flowering season: depending on climatic zones, the peak of the spring flowers in zones 7a to 8b should be exspected in april. 'Cleopatra' is flowering up to 4 weeks, showing late flowers in may. In a sunny location with sufficient moisture, 'Cleopatra' shows an intense 'second' bloom in midsummer with surprisingly well formed and dark coloured flowers.
  • Flower size: about 18-20cm (diameter). Flower shape: Upright, cup-shaped, open cup-shaped when fully expanded. Flower buds appear  at the shoot tips as well as on lateral short shoots.
  • Flower Color: complex pigmentation of red and purple with bluish undertones and a cristalline sheen which makes it hard to demonstrate the 'true' colour in any electronic media. To date, Magnolia 'Cleopatra' shows a fantastic approximation to the unique flower colour of the stunning 'Lanarth'-types of Magnolia campbellii ssp.mollicomata, which can be cultivated only in restricted and very mild areas like southwest GB, Northern Italy or the northern atlantic coast of Spain.
  • Flowering performance: 'Cleopatra' shows first flower buds already after 2 years from grafting. This magnolia blooms reliably every year and must be described as particularly floriferous. Some of the european trial-plants have developed attractive seed cones in early autumn.
  • Hardiness: reliably hardy to -24°C. The trial plants grafted on Magnolia kobus survived the winters from 2008-2014 without  damage. Not a real surprise considering the parentage where we can find a high genetical potential for good winter hardiness.
  • Leaves: distinct dark green, slightly glossy, well shaped. Attractive because not as large as found in many other magnolia hybrids. Important: 'Cleopatra' shows a high resistance to powdery mildew.
  • Recommended planting sites: in order to develope 'her' full potential, we recommend a location in full sun. Especially in colder regions you should avoid plantings in wind exposed sites. In a semi-shaded position with less than 60% of sunlight during the growing season you may exspect a significant decrease of flowering intensity and a more loose, open branching growth pattern. Also the ripening process of the annual woodgrowth may be not sufficient and may cause higher risk of tip die-back in stronger frost periodes.
  • Soil: rich in humus, deep and slightly acidic with adequate water supply. Magnolias have shallow root systems and enjoy layers of mulch like bark mulch or other adequate organic material.
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